Nicholas Sun-Keung PANG, Ph.D. Gaofeng Chair Professor, ECNU Website: E-mail: Address: 1119, Liberal Arts Building, East China Normal University, No.3663 North Zhongshan Road, Shanghai,20062,P.R.China. |
Educational Background
Ph.D. in Educational Administration at University of Newcastle--Australia, 1993 – 1996.
Master of Education at University of Hong Kong, 1990 – 1992.
Bachelor of Science at University of Hong Kong, 1977 – 1980.
Academic Employment
Chairman of Department of Educational Administration and Policy, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (2011.08-2018.07)
Director of the Hong Kong Centre for the Development of Educational Leadership (HKCDEL), The Chinese University of Hong Kong (2011.08-2018.07)
Chairman, Hong Kong Educational Research Association (1999-2001)
Academic Communication
Pang, N.S.K. (2018).One Belt One Road: Redefining Globalization and Educational Opportunities. Keynote speech to be delivered at the XVI Annual International Conference of the Bulgarian Comparative Education Society (BCES), organized by the Bulgarian Comparative Education Society, June 11-15, at Varna, Bulgaria.
Pang, N.S.K. (2017).Strategic Thinking Skills for School Leaders. Keynote speech to be delivered at the 2017 the International Conference of Basic Education Research in Manila, organized by the Ministry of Education, Philippines, December 4-6, at Manila, Philippines.
Pang, N.S.K. (2017).Building Professional Learning Communities via School-University Partnership. Keynote speech to be delivered at The 7th International Conference on Creative Education (CCE 2017), October 23-25, Guilin, China.
Editor-in-Chiefof the journal, Leadership and Policy Quarterly, of the Untested Ideas (UI) Research Center® at Niagara Falls of the United States. (2020.01– present)[]
Editor ofCogent Education of Taylor & Francis, England (Online) (2020.03 – present) [Scopus – H-Index=2.00]
Courses Offered
Educational Reform and School Improvement: A Globalized and Comparative Perspective
Educational Research Design and Academic Writing
Academic Books:
Pang, N.S.K & Chan, P.W.K. (2022) (Eds.). School Governance in Global Contexts: Trends, Challenges and Practices. London: Routledge. (Edited academic book, 270 pages)
Pang, N.S.K & Wang, T. (Eds.) (2018). Global Perspectives on Developing Professional Learning Communities. London: Routledge. (Edited academic book, 130 pages)
Pang, N.S.K. & Huang, J.Y. (Eds.) (2015). East-West Perspectives on Educational Leadership and Policy. Niagara Falls, New York: Untested Ideas Research Center. (Edited academic book, 286 pages)
Pang, N.S.K. & Choi, I.O.L. (2012). Organizational learning obstacles in schools: Exploration and overcoming. Taiwan: Higher Education Publishing. [Research book, in Chinese, 389 pages]
Zhan, Z.Q., Lo, N.L.K, & Pang, N.S.K. (2011). Creating school as a learning organization: From teachers’ perspective of organizational learning. Beijing: Education Science Publishing House. [Academic book, in Chinese, 358 pages]
Pang, N.S.K. (Ed.) (2006). Globalization: Educational research, change and reforms. Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, the Hong Kong Institute of Educational Research and the Hong Kong Educational Research Association. (Edited academic book, 312 pages)
Gamage, D.T., & Pang, N.S.K. (2003). Leadership and management in education: Developing essential skills and competencies. Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press. (Academic book, 322 pages)
Journal Articles:
Chen, A.H. & Pang, N.S.K.* (2022, in press). Higher Education for Sustainable Development: Nurturing Sustainable Research Productivity of Young Researchers in China. Perspectives in Education, XX(X), XX-XX.
Huang, L., Pang, N.S.K. & Huang, Y.T. (2022). Building school capacity for teacher learning in China. Professional Development in Education, 48(1), 38-52. DOI: 10.1080/19415257.2019.1689527 (SSCI IF=1.231)
Pang, N.S.K (2021). The strategic thinking practices of school principals in complex environments. Leadership and Policy Quarter, 10(1-4), 47-64.
Pang, N.SK. (2020). Teachers’ Reflective Practices in Implementing Assessment-for-Learning Skills in Classroom Teaching. ECNU Review of Education, August 5, 2020, pp.1-21.
Pang, N.SK. (2020). Rethinking leadership for school reforms worldwide—A theoretical framework. Leadership and Policy Quarterly, 9(1-3), 1-11.
Book Chapters:
Pang, N.S.K. & Yan, V.M.M. (2022). Chasing a Balance between Equity and Quality: The New High-Quality Schools Project in Shanghai, China. In Popov, N., Wolhuter, C., de Beer, L., Hilton, G., Ogunleye, J., Achinewhu-Nworgu, E., Niemczyk, E. (Eds.) Towards the Next Epoch of Education, (pp. 109-116). Sofia, Bulgaria: Bulgarian Comparative Education Society.
Pang, N.S.K & Chan, P.W.K. (2022). Introduction: Exploring School Governance in Europe, Asia-Pacific and China regions. In N.S.K. Pang & P.W.K Chan (Eds.). School Governance in Global Contexts: Trends, Challenges and Practices (pp. 1-6). London: Routledge.
Pang, N.S.K & Chan, P.W.K. (2022). Stocking school governance in globalized and complex world. In N.S.K. Pang & P.W.K Chan (Eds.). School Governance in Global Contexts: Trends, Challenges and Practices (pp. 7-20). London: Routledge.
Sato, H., Pang, N.S.K & Chan, P.W.K. (2022). Education governance and principal leadership in Japan. In N.S.K. Pang & P.W.K Chan (Eds.). School Governance in Global Contexts: Trends, Challenges and Practices (pp. 122-140). London: Routledge.
Pang, N.S.K (2022). Restructuring school governance in Hong Kong SAR: Coping with the challenges from globalization. In N.S.K. Pang & P.W.K Chan (Eds.). School Governance in Global Contexts: Trends, Challenges and Practices (pp. 247-261). London: Routledge.
Pang, N.S.K., Tsang K.W. & Chan, P.W.K. (2021) Changing Leadership and Accountability Framework in Education Reform in Hong Kong. In M. A. Peters, R. Heraud (eds.), Encyclopedia of Educational Innovation,
Wang, T. & Pang, N.S.K. (2019). System-Wide Educational Reform Agenda in Shanghai Supporting Leadership for Learning. In Salleh Hairon, Jonathan Wee Pin Goh (Eds.). Perspective on School Leadership in Asia-Pacific Contexts (pp.61-77). Singapore: Springer
Cao, J. & Pang, N.S.K. (2019). How principal leadership leads to teacher professional learning: A case study of two ‘New-High-Quality’ primary schools in Shanghai, China. In Salleh Hairon, Jonathan Wee Pin Goh (Eds.). Perspective on School Leadership in Asia-Pacific Contexts (pp.79-94). Singapore: Springer.
Research Projects
A Comparative and Empirical Study of the Practices of Professional Learning Communities across Hong Kong and Shanghai: Contexts, Processes and Outcomes.
Strategic Thinking and Execution in Hong Kong Schools.
Organizational Values and Cultures of Schools in Shanghai and Hong Kong.
Quality Early Childhood Education: The Practice of Assessment for Learning and the Use of Portfolios in Kindergartens.
From Assessment for Learning to Promoting Self-regulated Learning in Early-childhood Education.
Metacognition in Learning and Teaching: Supporting Students’ Learning Needs.
Untested Ideas Outstanding Book Editor Award, issued by the Untested Ideas Research Centre,Niagara Falls, New York. (June, 2014)
Outstanding Teaching Award for PEDU7206, Foundations of Educational Administration andPolicy, issued by the Faculty of Education, The Chinese University of Hong Kong for 2012-13.(September, 2013).
Distinguished Associate of the Institute of Educational Leadership, issued by the Institute ofEducational Leadership, University of Malaya (June, 2013).
Merit Award for the Quality Education Fund Projecton “Transforming Schools into LearningOrganizations” (2004-06) (Ref.: QEF 2003/0755) (May, 2010)