
发布日期: 2021-11-01   作者:  浏览次数: 211

20211021-24日,伊利诺伊大学香槟分校在线成功举办年度“全球教育研讨会”Global Education Symposium)。经过前期组织和协调,教育学系、基教所9名硕博士研究生参会报告(包括“教育政策与学校变革”全英文专业留学生4名),另有多名研究生旁听学习,参与研讨。以下为系所同学参会论文信息。




Future Education from the Perspective of Ecological Justice

——Interpretation of UNESCO’s 2050 Education Declaration: Learning to Integrate into the World Report


Educating Women Outside the Family: The Formation of the “Regulations for Women’s School” from the Qing Government in 1907


The Influence of Social Emotional Learning Curriculum

to Pre-school Teachers’ Practice


What is behind the Class Cadres : The Formation of Power Distinction from the Perspective of Bourdieu's Social Practice

David Kyei-Nuamah

The Power of Norms and Knowledge: A Study on the Association of African Universities’ Professional Governance towards African Universities in the Perspective of Discursive Institutionalism

Dilshani Kariyawasam

Teacher Motivation in Online Education: A Study of Sri Lankan Public School System

Ekaterina Mishustina

The New Double Reduction Policy: Will It Be More Successful This Time?

Caroline Ibrahim Msaki

Impact of Global Citizenship Education: A Study of Tanzanian Secondary Education System






参会学生:Dilshani Kariyawasam

I feel this is one of the best opportunities I received to conduct and present my research. I understood the expectations of an international-level symposium. I was also able to learn from other researchers and contribute to the process of knowledge sharing at a global level. It was also a great opportunity to expand my network. Taking part in such global symposiums and conferences is one of the best benefits one can obtain by studying at East China Normal University.

参会学生:Ekaterina Mishustina

This October 2021 I had a chance to take part in the Global Education Symposium, hosted by Illinois College of Education. It covered a range of subtopics like resilience in schools, preparing students for a changing environment, citizenship in a global era, historical depth and context, and best practices in global education. It was a great experience to e-meet many of the education researchers across the globe, listen to their diverse presentations and learn some specifics of education from their backgrounds, as well as have a chance to work through abstract to presentation myself in a fast pace.

参会学生:David Kyei-Nuamah

In this conference, I had the opportunity to scrutinize other people’s work and invited to pose technical questions to help shape and contribute to the fellow’s works. In this way, participants are supposed to be apt in having grounded and general knowledge about each presenter’s topic to be able to contribute significantly. What I sought to do was that, I grasp the central idea, find lacuna’s and seek clarification of the presented ideas. It also gave me the opportunity read wide on the topics when the final outline was published, in order to fit in the conference discussions. In all, I was educated and exposed to cluster of research methods and how ideas are presented with different philosophies through diverse perspectives.

本次全球教育研讨会组织方伊利诺伊大学香槟分校(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign为美国著名公立研究型大学。自从2018年起,系所得到教育学部指导和支持,与该校教育学院建立交流合作关系,双方均曾选派师生,实地参加轮流组织的“国际学术周”交流活动,未来双方将会继续并深化交流合作。