Be proud of teaching: Speech at the Opening Ceremony of the Faculty of Education in 2018

发布日期: 2018-09-23   作者:  浏览次数: 181

Professor Bu Yuhua

Boys and Girls:

I am grateful to the leaders of school for their trust in me. I am very honored to be a teachers' representative and express welcome to all freshmen here!I am also grateful to all of you for your trust in the Faculty of Education of East China Normal University. In the most beautiful years of your life, at the most important stage of your life, you have chosen our Faculty of Education. I think your choice is very wise and correct.Today, the Liwa River is more beautiful and charming because of your arrival!

Boys and girls, I have studied and worked East China Normal University for 24 years. Today, I want to talk to you as an old senior. The theme of my speech is: "Honored by Teaching." I will share my experience with you in several stages of my education.


I don't know how many of you are really interested in education and want to engage in education and choose this profession. If you choose this profession consciously, then I would like to pay tribute to you! Twenty-eight years ago, when I got a college admission notice and saw that the major was education, I was embarrassed. I don’t know what the profession is. Except for language, mathematics, and foreign subjects, why shall we learn pedagogy? I even hesitated to study this major, whether it is necessary to review for one year. Some people have comforted me this profession is to teach people to be principals or this profession will be an education leader in the future. It seems that this is a goodwill persuasion of laymen. At that time, I started college life because of my ignorance and utilitarianism at a young age. When I was in college, this profession seemed to be easy to learn. I started learning textbooks almost every semester, but I was able to pass each course with ease and high scores, and often took scholarships. But I was not happy because I didn't think how important and valuable this profession was!

The first time I was frustrated was during my internship. I remember the first day of internship. I stood in the classroom and faced a group of students who stared at me quietly. Later, they were confused, ignored, or even jokes. I am at a loss, even innocent. That is the first time I began to look directly at the relationship between my life and school. I need to correctly treat the profession of education, so I started my own graduate journey.


At the graduate level, I sincerely listen to the education of my predecessors: Mr. Qu Baokui, Mr. Chen Guisheng, Mr. Zhu Jiaxiong, Mr. Shi Liangfang, Mr. Sun Peiqing, Ms. Ye Lan, Mr. Jin Yiming, Mr. Liao Xiaochun, Mr. Chen Qiwei…I listened to their class, their report, attend their end of the month's academic meeting, academic Saturday, and the seniors' thesis defense. In the process, I began to carefully ponder how seniors think about education, how to talk to Chinese and foreign educators, and how to defend their educational opinions. Gradually, issues such as time, society, people, knowledge, education, teaching, etc. are beginning to connect, and within the horizon of my thinking, and the charm of educational theory is also open to my eyes. This further attracted me to read a lot of Chinese and foreign educational classics and began to learn to think like educational thinkers. This further attracted me to read a lot of Chinese and foreign educational classics and began to learn to think like educational thinkers. I began to consciously understand why Pejay should talk about assimilation and adaptation in cognitive development, why did Dewey put forward progressive educational ideas in the context of American society in the early 19th century, why Vikowski’s "recent development zone" theory is so valuable, and I also began to understand why Tao Xingzhi is not willing to call Tao Zhixing… In this way, the more I think about the theory of education, I really understand the charm of pedagogical thinking! Compared with the undergraduate, I am happy at the master's degree because I entered education!


Three years later, I started my PhD study. At this stage, I feel that it is the hardest and most difficult stage. It is difficult to break through and innovate. It is difficult to think about how to think independently. The whole brain is the racecourse of others' thoughts.My tutor, Ms. Ye Lan, told me that research education can't be limited to pedagogy. It needs to expand its horizons, read the times, read history, read thoughts, and need to read practice. The book with words and the book without words must be read. At that time, I felt that time was not enough. Every day I took a lot of books, reading and writing. I was anxious with every day. I was never tired, my heart was full, my heart was shining, my thoughts were sparking. Unconsciously, from beauty to female doctor, I also unwittingly completed the conversion from "teaching as a profession" to "honored by teaching "!

Boys and girls, looking back so much, what have you experienced from my academic career? my suggestion is: Please don't just study for the exams like my undergraduate stage, but learn to understand what education is. You can read more, listen to reports, participate in academic exchanges, write more and learn more like my postgraduate studies. You must send yourself to the heart and with sincerity to read and think, to talk to the thinkers. Please do not feel that learning pedagogy is very easy. Education is the most complicated study. It needs to be based on multiple dimensions such as time, society, people and knowledge to make complex and comprehensive judgments. If you want to understand their complex relationship, in addition to education, you need to be based on many disciplines, philosophy, sociology, psychology, culture, economics, political science, and so on. Therefore, please watch fewer mobile phones and internet, less chat, and more to the library, more reading, more thinking, more writing!

"Pedagogy is a nourishment of learning." It first nourishes yourself. Because it is a school that looks at the world and treats people with pedagogical vision. You will find that the teachers of the Faculty of Education are very kind and kind, because some people in the education and education will respect people, care for others, and treat others with kindness! Therefore, I hope that when you graduate, when you leave ECNU, you will be filled with warmth to this society! Be proud of teaching!