A Meeting was Held Between 2018th Graduate Students and Supervisors in the Department of Education

发布日期: 2018-09-17   作者:  浏览次数: 159

A meeting was held between 2018th graduate students and supervisors in the Department of Education in Room 913, Liberal Arts Building at 2 p.m. on September 13, 2018.Teachers such as Wang Zhankui, Wang Lunxin, Wang Lijia, Ning Bentao, Liu Shiqing, Zhu Yiming, Zhang Liyong, Li Lin, Wu Zunmin, Du Mingfeng, Fan Guorui, Tang Hanwei, Gao Xingyuan, Huang Shuguang, Huang Xiangyang, Huang Zhongjing, Jiang Chunjiao, Dong Xuan, Cheng Liang, etc. and all the 2018th graduate students attended the meeting. The meeting was presided by Gao Xingyuan, a counselor.

According to the agenda of the meeting, the teachers introduced their respective research fields to the students and expressed their earnest expectations for the new students firstly.The teachers generally believed that students should be clearly aware of their role changes, make sure the majors and directions of research as soon as possible and plan their three-year postgraduate study life in a complete way so as to put their efforts for them. In addition, the teachers also reminded students to pay attention to physical and mental health, study knowledge and arrange their own lives at the same time. By doing that, students can acquire achievements and get all-round development.

Subsequently, the 2018th graduate students introduced themselves briefly.They expressed their great honor and cherished the opportunity to continue their studies in the Department of Education of ECNU.Although they came from different regions and had studied different majors, they were still enthusiasm about education, long to learn educational theory deeply, and were happy to participate in educational practice.

This year, there are 46 graduate students enrolled in the Department of Education, who are majored in Principle of Education, History of Education, Education Policy, Education Culture and Society, and Children's Organization and Ideological Education. Once again, congratulations to them and hope they will make a great progress in their study and life.