Ding Gang Ph.D. Professor Director of Institute for Advanced Studies in Education E-mail: gding@ses.ecnu.edu.cn Address:17th Floor, Liberal Arts Building, Institute for Advanced Studies in Education, East China Normal University.No.3663 North Zhongshan Road, Shanghai, 200062, P.R. China. |
Educational Background
Ph.D. in Education, East China Normal University.
M.A. in Literature, East China Normal University.
B.A. in Philosophy, Heilongjiang University.
Research Fields
Chinese Culture and Education
Culture and Society of Education
Teacher Education and Teacher Professional Development
Curriculum and Instruction
Narrative Inquiry in Education
Integrated of Education and Technology
Reform and Development of Basic Education and Curriculum Reform
Courses Offered
Cross Cultural Studies of Chinese Education: Knowledge, Field, and Methodology
Educational Narrative: Theories and Methods
Culture and Society of Education
Main Monography:
Ding, G. (2014). Investigation and Policy Analysis of Normal Universities Students' Training in China. Shanghai: East China Normal University Press.
Ding, G. (2010).Investigation and Policy Analysis of the Professional Development of Primary and Secondary School Teachers in China. Shanghai: East China Normal University Press.
Ding, G. (2010). Narrative Inquiry into Teaching and Research: Shanghai Workshop By China &Canada. Guangxi: Gaungxi Normal University Press.
Ding, G. (2010). Listen and Get Knowledge:The Classic Lectures were Given to the National Graduates of Education in Their Summer School. Shanghai: East China Normal University Press.
Ding, G. (1988,2010). Chinese Buddhist Education: A Comparative Study of Education between Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism. Chengdu: Sichuan Education Press.
Ding, G. (2009). An Innovative Plan for Teachers' Professional Development in the Context of Globalization. Beijing: Beijing Normal University Press.
Ding, G. (2009). Researches on Chinese Educational Traditions under the Global Perspective. Guangxi: Gaungxi Normal University Press.
Ding, G. (2008). Voice and Experience: Narrative Inquiry in Education. Beijing: Educational Science Publishing House.
Ding, G. (2008). Listening to the World: Educational Leadership in Pluralistic Societies. Shanghai: East China Normal University Press.
Ding, G. (2007). Listen and Catch up to the Cutting-edge:The Lectures were Given to the National Graduates of Education in Their Summer School. Shanghai: East China Normal University Press.
Ding, G. (2002). Between History and Reality: Theoretical Explorations of Chinese Educational Traditions. Beijing: Educational Science Publishing House.
Ding, G. (2000). Innovation: The Mission of Education in the New Century. Beijing: Educational Science Publishing House.
Refereed Articles:
Chapters in Books and Papers in Journals over 100 in Chinese and English.
Research Projects
Research on Chinese Educational Traditions in the Context of Globalization.
Innovative Plan for Teachers' Professional Development from the Perspective of Globalization.
Educational Informationization and Transformation of Teaching Mode of Basic Education.
The Status and Policy Research of Basic Education Teachers' Professional Development in China.
Theoretical Research on Chinese Educational Traditions: a Comparative Exploration of History and Reality.
Other Appointments
2012- Vice President of the Chinese Society of Education.
2012- Dean, Institute of Advanced Studies in Education, East China Normal University.
2010- Member of Consultant Committee for Educational Policy Decision in Shanghai.
2010- Member of the 6th Standing Committee Shanghai Social Sciences Association.
2009- Convener of 4th Subject Evaluation Group (Education and psychology), Academic Degree Committee in Shanghai.
2009- Convener of 6th Subject Evaluation Group (Education), Academic Degree Committee of State Council, P.R.China.
2009- Convener of Evaluation Group of Post-Doctorate Mobile Stations (Education, psychology and Sports), Ministry of Personnel, China.
2008.12 Secretary-General of Teachers Education Branch, China Association of Higher Education.
2006.12 Director of Experimental Centre for Education Science (“Space for Future Teacher”), integrated IT and teacher training and classroom teaching.
2002- Dean, School of Education Science, East China Normal University.
Awards and honors
The First Prize of Shanghai10th Educational Scientific Research Award for Educational Decision-making (2011).
The First Prize of Shanghai 10th philosophy and Social Science Outstanding Achievement.(2010)
The Second Prize of National Academy of Young University Teachers in scientific research Supported by Huo Yingdong's Education Foundation. (1990)
The First Prize in the First national Educational Science Outstanding Achievements.(1990)
The Special Government-Subsidised of the State Council.
A Distinguished professor of “Zijiang Scholars”.
Shanghai Leading Talents.(2009)
The First Excellent Young Teachers in Shanghai Universities.(1992)
A Doctor of Making Outstanding Contributions for China.(1991)
Academic Communication
Participated in the National Social Science Fund “Thirteenth Five-Year Plan” 2017 Annual Education Major and Key Project Opening Ceremony,2017.10.17
A visiting scholar for the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education(OISE), University of Toronto (1993 – 1994).