Chen Feng

发布日期: 2017-10-12   作者:  浏览次数: 491

Chen Feng

Ph.D. Associate Professor


Address: 1024, 10th Floor, Liberal Arts Building, Department of Education, East China Normal University, No.3663 North Zhongshan Road, Shanghai,20062,P.R.China.

Courses Offered

  • History of foreign education,

  • Contemporary reform of foreign education

  • Western educational thoughts and schools

  • Selected readings of foreign educational works

  • Western Educational Historiography



  • Chen,F.(2018).Innovative Research on Teaching Paradigm of Scientific Concept in Junior Middle School.

  • Chen, F. (2016). (Author) Foundations of Humanities in Education: an analysis of history and reality. Jiangxi: Jiangxi Education Publishing House.

  • Chen, F. (2014). (Author) The History of Aesthetic Meditation Education. Shandong: The Yellow River Publishing House.

  • Chen, F. (2014). (Author) Love and Freedom - The Classical Educational Ideas of Ten Great Foreign Educators. Beijing: Peking University press.

  • Chen, F. (2012). (Translator) Critique Manuscripts of Historic Reason. Shanghai: Shanghai Translation Publishing House.

  • Chen, F. (2012). ((Ed.) A History of  The Foreign Education. Beijing: Peking University press.

  • Chen, F. (2010). (Author) The Rushing of Life Torrent - The Narration, Analysis and Criticism of Dilthe’s Philosophy. Ha’erbin: Heilongjiang People’s Publishing House.

  • Chen, F. (2008). (Co-editor) History of Foreign Education. Beijing: Beijing Normal University Publishing Group.

  • Chen, F. (2007). (Co-editor) History of Foreign Educational Thoughts. Beijing: Higher Education Press.

  • Chen, F. (2007). (Author) Research on Dilthe’s Pedagogy. Gansu: Gansu Education Press.


  • Chen, F. (2018). Focus on 2035 China's education modernization(conversation by writing),China Higher Education Research,(2).

  • Chen, F. (2018). On the Systematic Construction of Foreign Curriculum History and Its Significance to Foreign Education History,Journal of High Education,(7).

  • Chen, F. (2016). The Crisis of the Discipline of Foreign Education History in China.Journal of Higher Education, (5).

  • Chen, F. (2014). Philosophical Reflection Framework of Educational Science. Educational Science Research, (3).

  • Chen, F. (2008). Preliminary Discussion on Inter-subjectivity in Class Context. Educational Review, (4).

  • Chen, F. (2006). An Analysis of the Crisis of China's Higher Education. US-China Education Review, (7).

  • Chen, F. (2005). “The Main Structure of Dilthe’s Pedagogy and Its Contemporary Significance”. Educational Research and Experiment, (1).

  • Chen, F. (2004). On Dilthe's Logical Thought. Academia Bimestrie, (4).

  • Chen, F. (2003). On the Evolution of Western Hermeneutic History. Tianjin Social Sciences, (2).

  • Chen, F. (2003). Dilthe's Position and Influence in the History of Philosophy. Academic Journal of Jinyang, (3).

  • Chen, F. (2002). Key Points in Three Pragmatic Outstanding Figures’ Views of "Experience”.Seeker, (5).

  • Chen, F. (2001). The World within the Phenomenological Dimension,Academic Journal of Zhongzhou, (4).

  • Chen, F. (1997). Some Philosophical Thoughts on the Principles of Computer Science and Technology. East China Science & Technology, (12).

Research Projects

  • Manage Youth Fund Project of the humanities and Social Sciences of the Ministry of education Research: “A philosophical reflection on international mainstream educational science -- on the independence of pedagogy of Chinese characteristics”, 2011.

  • A 985 sub-project: “The influence of the western modern educational thought on the reform of Chinese elementary education”

  • Humanities and education, school-level curriculum construction of teacher education project

  • Youth Project of Education and Science Institute in ECNU the scientific system of education in the perspective of learning”

  • Youth project of the Ministry of Education National in the fifteen plan of national education and science institute: ”research on the history of teachers’ academic professional development in American universities in the 20th century”