Zhang Liyong

发布日期: 2017-10-12   作者:  浏览次数: 513

Zhang Liyong

Ph.D.  Lecturer

E-mail: lyzhang@dedu.ecnu.edu.cn

Address:1002,10th Floor, Liberal Arts Building, Department of Education, East China Normal University.No.3663 North Zhongshan Road, Shanghai, 200062, P.R. China.

Educational Background

  • Post-doctoral research of Pedagogy at Zhejiang University(2011-2013)

  • Ph.D. of History of Chinese Education at East China Normal University (2008-2011)

  • Master of Pedagogical Principle at East China Normal University(2005-2008)

  • Bachelor of Primary School Education at Huaiyin Normal University(2001-2005)

Courses Offered

  • Curriculum Research in Modern China

  • History of Chinese Education

  • Educology



  • Zhang, L.Y.(2018).Research on educational societies in the republic of China (monograph).Changsha: hunan education press.

  • Zhang, L.Y. (2009) (First Author). The Hardship of Pioneering Work :1949-1946(the 60 Years of History of Education in the P.R.China. Volume 1). Guangdong: Guangdong Education Press.

Articles (2011-2016):

  • Zhang, L.Y.(2017). On Shidao and Corporal Punishment. Global Education, (3).

  • Zhang, L.Y.(2017). The Explanation of “Song Xue Tu” in Song Dynasty. Root Exploration, (1).

  • Zhang, L.Y.(2017). On the Distinct Tradition of the Inheritance of Shishuo” in the History of Education in China. Contemporary Teacher Education, (1).

  • Zhang, L.Y. (2016). From the Enemies of Edification” to the Friends of Education”: Position Changes of Leisure Readings in Education. Journal of Schooling Studies, (5).

  • Zhang, L.Y. (2016). Yan Tie Lun in the History of Higher Normal Education: A Study on the Controversy of Pecking Normal University by both Politicians and Academics in 1932. Journal of Educational Science of Hunan Normal University, (1).

  • Chen,G.S.&Zhang, L.Y.(2015).The Essence of the Culture of Qualified Teachers in Ancient China.Educational Research,(9).

  • Zhang, L.Y.(2015). The Advantage and Disadvantage of Comprehensive School in Modern China. Journal Of Educational Studies, (2).

  • Zhang, L.Y.(2014). MENG Xiancheng and HU Xiansu’s Controversy about the Existence of Normal Universities in 1925. Journal of East China Normal University (Educational Sciences), (2).

  • Zhang, L.Y. (2013).  Should Educology be an Independent Discipline in the University? Modern University Education, (5).

  • Zhang, L.Y.(2013).The Third Road of Education Construction. Journal of East China Normal University (Educational Sciences), (1).

  • Zhang, L.Y.(2013).Say Goodbye to Punishment.Journal of Educational Science of Hunan Normal University, (2).  

  • Zhang, L.Y.(2009). Rise and Fall of the Instant Schooling of the Workers and Peasants. Journal of Hebei Normal University (Educational Science Edition), (11).

  • Zhang, L.Y.(2008). Comparison of Curriculum Timetables among America, Britain, France, Japan and Russia. Comparative Education, (6).

Research Projects(Since 2000)

  • The Youth Project of National Education Sciences Fund of China during the 12th Five-Year Plan (Project No.:COA120173), “The Research of Shidao in China”.

  • Educational monograph project of east China normal university, Shanghai gaofeng discipline construction plan: folk voice and power of education construction: a study on educational associations in the late qing dynasty and the republic of China,2015

  • The Project of Shanghai Chenguang Plan (Project No.:13CG22), “The Perspective of Traditional School Life in Historical Images”.


  • Baogang Outstanding Student Award. (2011)

  • The Third Award of the 4th National Education Scientific Research Outstanding Achievement, Writing Class.(2011)

  • The First Award of Shanghai 8thDeng Xiaoping Theory Research and Publicity Outstanding Achievement, Writing Class.(2010)